Discover the vibrant energy of Realgar spheres, known for their striking colors and unique metaphysical properties. Realgar is believed to stimulate creativity and ignite passion, making it an excellent companion for artists and dreamers. Its dynamic energy encourages transformation and personal growth, helping to dispel fear and boost confidence. Realgar is also said to enhance concentration and mental focus, providing clarity and insight during decision-making. These spheres are perfect for anyone looking to harness the power of change and ignite their inner fire. A bold and captivating addition to any crystal collection. Realgar spheres bring vitality and strength, reminiscent of the fierce and mystical energy of dragons.
***Please note***
Due to Mother Nature, the product(s) you purchase will vary in color, shape, and size. The picture(s) on this page serve to give you a general image of what you are purchasing. By purchasing this item you understand it may vary in color, shape, and size from the image(s) here.